Law of Attraction = Unusual Thinking + Sure Knowing + Prime Execution

Kenneth Barnes
3 min readOct 1, 2018



I recently had a conversation with someone who asked me to define what is the Law of Attraction. I was a little unsure how to answer. I have always been a bit skeptical on the topic, but I have come to believe that there must be something to it from my own experiences.

The question pushed my mind into overdrive. I remembered books I had read on the topic. I referenced Youtube videos I had viewed. And of course the articles I had read on the internet about the topic. All of them have their own opinions, but if I would define it would I think the same as others?

I think the best way to answer should be based on what you have observed in one’s own life. So after some thought, I can believe that the Law of Attraction is based on three core principles of unusual thinking, sure knowing, and prime execution.

Unusual Thinking: Have you ever noticed that if you think about something enough it sometimes appear in your life. It can be good or bad, but somehow it manifests into your space. Maybe this can be explained away by you thinking of things you normally come into contact. I believe to really know the Law of Attraction you need to do unusual thinking. Think and visualize something you would never consider. For example, you could go to Google Maps and randomly choose a place to visit for a vacation. Maybe the location happens to be Antarctica, a destination that you had never considered traveling. The last time you even remember hearing about the continent was in grade school. Well, choosing to go there for a vacation would be an unusual thought pattern for you. The story ends there in most definitions of the Law of Attraction. I don’t think this is enough, so you need the next step.

Sure Knowing: Now you have thought and visualized your desire for a vacation to Antarctica. You can’t just desire. You need to know that it is true. This knowing can be hard as there may not be money or time for such a trip. Maybe you are sick and have limited mobility. Traveling to the next town may be next to impossible let alone traveling thousands of miles to the bottom of the world. It is coming to a sure knowing even with all the obstacles the prevent the current action that is essential to the Law of Attraction. If this challenge is conquered, then the next step has to be done.

Prime Execution: You need to make a plan of how you will execute the desire. For a vacation, there is a lot to plan. You need to execute as if your vacation is a certainty. This means start by reading about traveling to Antarctica. In a vacation, you need to check issues like transportation to Antarctica, lodging, clothing requirements, visas, and itineraries. The Law of Attraction comes into full force when you plan of execution is read. This means at a moment’s notice have the knowledge and skills to take advantage of a manifested opportunity.

The same principles can be applied to anything from starting a business, preparing for a family, or receiving a million dollars. The point is that when the opportunity arrives, you can recognize it. And once recognized, you have a plan of how to proceed. Now, will things turn out exactly as you visualized? Nope. That is not how life works. There will be twists and turns. It is no different from startups making business plans or militaries having war plans. Once they are needed things will change rapidly. But the reason they are done is so there is to have the skill and knowledge by preparation to handle what may come your way.

That is how I would define the Law of Attraction. It is not about just making a wish. It is knowing that wish is already fulfilled. And then making sure you are fully prepared with knowledge and skills for the opportunity when it arrives. Many great opportunities have been lost because of the lack of preparation. Anything you can dream can be possible; the question is if you are prepared.

Let me know in comments your definition.

